Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why don't I pay FPT Internet fee

My family moved to Saigon and my nephew used our Internet line. One day, I received the Internet Invoice, and "Oh, my God", it showed VND370,000. He must have used Internet for online games. We decided to cut the ADSL line of FPT and use Viettel 3G with VND120,000 package instead.
So I called to FPT Internet Support Center and they told me that the only way to terminate the Internet contrat is going to their office, no phone or internet accepted. Why do they come to our home to sign the contract but not allow me to terminate it by phone or internet? I understand that they may make signing contract conveniently to drive more business and make termination difficulty to avoid cutting the line. But what is the result? I didn't pay internet fee instead so the contract would be terminated automatically, even I really wanted to pay them.
I hope that the ISP will reconsider their regulation carefully to prevent money loss.

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Year's Plan

I learnt form some books that we should set targets for New Year. I am not a persistent person, easy to give up the goals and the results are no money, no bright future and many worries. Somebody said your future is in your hand. Of course, it is true because I know many successful people with the same beginning as mine. So in these last minutes of year, I want to look at myself and decide my goals and how I achieve.

I always know that my weakness is English. It makes me feel unconfident when applying to a job. So what will I do to improve my English skills?

- Look for a good English class to get learning methodologies.

- Practice English everyday:

o Reading one English page to learn new structures and vocabulary.

o Listening in 10 minute carefully and try to get main ideas.

o Writing an article in 20 minute

How can I do all these activities everyday, even in busy days or tired nights? I think that I should note in my calendar what I do in each day. Even I just can improve my English level a little bit, I win my lazy habit.

Let’s start now!